Your Name:
Birth Date:
Your Spouse:
E-Mail Address:
Home Phone #:
Work Phone #:
Spouse Work #:
Marital Status: —Please choose an option—MarriedWidowedDivorcedCommon-LawSeparatedSingle
Did your marital status change during the year?
If yes, provide the date:
If we are NOT preparing a tax return for your spouse, please provide the following:
Net Income figure from line 236 on page 2 of his/her 2024 tax return:
List any dependents who were 18 years of age or under as of December 31, 2024:
2024 Net Income
Date of Birth
Do you or your spouse or any of your dependents qualify for disability credit? YesNo
Do you provide shelter and/or financial support to any other relatives (e.g., parents)? YesNo
Do you want your return filed electronically?
Did you own/hold foreign property with a cost of more than $100,000?
Do you authorize CRA to provide information about you to Elections Canada?
Do you want your tax refund deposited directly to your bank account?
How would you like to receive your return?
Hold for PickupRegistered Mail to my HomeDirect Deposit Requested Last YearRegistered Mail to my Office
If the property was purchased during the year, provide the agreement of purchase and sale as well as the solicitor's reporting letter.
Name of Partner and Their % Owned:
Management and Administration:
SIN of Partner:
Repairs & Maintenance:
Property Tax:
Professional Fees:
Major Renovations and Purchases:
Provide the agreement of purchase and sale as well as the solicitor's reporting letter for BOTH your sale and purchase.
Sale Date:
Sale Price:
Legal and Other Costs on Sale:
Commission Paid on Sale:
Purchase Date:
Purchase Price:
Legal/Other Costs on Purchase:
Additions/other major improvements:
For each brokerage account, please provide the following:
Transaction Summary for the Year:
Investment Income and Expense Summary for the Year:
The December 31st monthly account statement:
For ALL non-RRSP mutual funds, please provide the December 31st year-end statements:
Include a T2200 - Declaration of Employment Conditions from your employer.
Accounting/Legal Fees:
Supplies (Postage, etc...):
Year and Make of Automobile:
Year of Purchase:
Purchase Amount:
Total Kilometers Driven in Year:
Total Kilometers Driven in Year for Business:
If car was purchased or leased in 2024, provide a copy of the purchase or lease agreement:
Licensing and Registration:
Car Washes:
Loan Interest:
Repairs and Maintenance:
Percentage of Home Used for Business:
Mortgage Interest (Self-Employed Only):
Property Taxes:
Maintenance and Repairs:
Business Name:
Type of Business:
Name of Partner:
Percent Owned by Partner:
Licenses, Dues, Memberships, Subscriptions:
Internet Fees:
Office Supplies:
Meals and Entertainment:
Interest and Bank Charges:
Please Include GST/HST in All the Above Amounts
Check if you have any of the following sources of income:
Employment Income: T4
Taxable Disability Income: T4A
Profit Sharing Income: T4PS
Commission Income: T4 or T4A
Old Age Security: T4A (OAS)
Canada Pension: T4A (P)
Other Pension/Annuities: T4A
RRIF Income: T4 (RIF)
Withdrawals from RRSP: T4 (RSP)
Employment Insurance Benefits: T4 (E)
Workers Safety Insurance: T5007
Social Assistance Payments: T5007
Scholarships and Bursaries: T4A
Dividends: T3 or T5
Interest: T3 or T5
Limited Partnerships: T5013
Universal Child Care Benefits: RG62
Working Income Tax Benefit Advance: RC210
Spousal Support (Taxable):
Tips and Gratuities:
If you have any other income and/or deduction that are not listed above, please itemize below and attach supporting receipts.
Check if you have any of the following deductions and INCLUDE ORIGINAL RECEIPTS in all cases:
Investment Loan Interest:
Student Loan Interest:
Investment Counselling Fees:
RRSP Contributions:
Moving Expenses (if more than 40km):
Medical Expenses:
Adoption Expenses:
Health Insurance Premiums:
Union Dues and Professional Fees:
Child Care Expenses:
Children's Fitness Expenses:
Charitable Donations:
1st Time Donor?: Donor?
Transit Passes:
Political Party Contributions - Federal:
Political Party Contributions - Provincial:
Labour-Sponsored Funds Contributions:
Tax Installments paid to government:
Alimony Payments Made:
Child Support (ONLY if deductible):
Rent Paid:
Property Taxes Paid:
Do you qualify for the Firefighter / Search & Rescue Credit? YesNo